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Meeting Marie has definitely been a game changer for me. Her perspective on things is so clear and she's so knowledgable that she taught me and showed me a totally new way to view myself and my own capabilities, and now I'm reaching goals within weeks that I thought would take me years.
- You have a creative vision inside you.
- Your Art needs space in your life.
- The lack of clarity and consistent action toward your heart.

I have worked with Amanda for several years now. She has helped me with a particularly difficult period in my life, and helped me find my way back. Most of all she taught me to embrace all of my life, and to delight in the things that matter most, and not to be consumed by the things that matter less.
Sei pronto al cambiamento?
Raccontaci pure qualsiasi dettaglio della tua attività e spiegaci cosa ti piacerebbe ottimizzare.